Thursday, October 27

Patro Painting

Back in the summer Antoine had the pleasure to assist Axel Void, a well known artists with works around the world. His bio here. Axel was commissioned by Patro d'Ottawa to create a piece based on the drawings of children, which would be located on the side of the building. The end result of this amazing artwork was a tragic one.

A day later it was taking down by the request of city hall

Le Patro:
"The artist incorporated these (love) symbols and drawings into the silhouette of a weapon in order to render the weapon unusable, non-functional"
"It is therefore the imagination, hope, creativity and love of the children that 'destroyed' the violence, and in turn gives us hope for the future."

Press Release here by Ottawa Citizen

Photos by Josh

Tuesday, August 23

The Third Collabration X Reap and Sew

 Here is the first part of the Reap and Sew collaboration. We wanted to feature people who are great at what they do and really give it their all. Cheikh Niang, Dj Bustin Jella and Iggy Stipanac (more info about them coming with the next post!). A big thanks to Mike, Graeme and Ian from Reap and Sew for letting us feature their clothing.

More photos and video if this shoot coming!


Tuesday, July 19

Monday, June 6

The First Collaboration!

Heres a selection from our shoot we did last week featuring the amazing Christine R, our awesome make-up artist Steph D. Clothes and accessories from MILK Shop (thanks Inaas!) As well as much love to Brooke for the great filming.

We decided to both shoot christine and apply our own individual styles in roughly the same location, time of day and light sources. 

Check out our behind the scenes video.

Monday, May 30


A big thanks to Simon Lalonde Boisvert for the logo!
He runs a pretty cool blog called 5GLB.